Thursday, December 31, 2009

Homespun Begun.


I'm very near completion of my new SL venture... Homespun. Inspired by the Depression Era and the decade following, I wanted to try to create products and a shopping environment that reflects the simplicity and utilitarian qualities of this era. Many of my favorite books and movies take place during this period: "To Kill a Mockingbird," "Paper Moon," "Road to Perdition," "Grapes of Wrath," and "Of Mice and Men," so making things that have been influenced by some of my favorite things to read and watch was a lot of fun. (I do want to note that I'm not creating exact replicas of anything, I'm simply inspired by the styles and sensibilities of the period.) I also hope that Homespun clothing and accessories will be incorporated into modern wardrobes.

I just like the idea of creating things for the "average joe" and providing a setting that celebrates simple pleasures... a hot cup of coffee with a delicious piece of homemade pie... a simple, yet pretty dress... a pair of comfy jeans.

Look for a Homespun opening sometime in January 2010 at Harajuku Box. I have some fun stuff planned!
